News & Events

Jamuan Raya 2023

We had an incredible Jamuan Raya 2023 celebration with our fantastic staff! It was a joyous occasion filled with delicious food, laughter, and heartwarming moments of

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Kick-off-Meeting 2023

The Official WebGeaz Kick-off Meeting of 2023 has come to a close, but the momentum is just beginning! We’re inspired by the new goals, ideas, plans,

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Training – ISO9001:2015 QMS

Alhamdulillah, the training has been incredibly enlightening, providing us with valuable insights to foster our growth and enhance our organization. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to

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WG Office 2022

Welcome to the heart of WebGeaz, where innovation meets comfort in 2022! Our thoughtfully designed office environment is the backdrop for creativity, collaboration, and exceptional results.

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Training – JavaScript

Our team members have embarked on an exciting journey of knowledge enrichment through an intensive internal training program on JavaScript, led by one of our distinguished

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